Dr. Leonard Ingram pours libation to open the dedication ceremony for the Karnak Wellness Institute at Malcolm X College. (Photo by Brad)
Observing that the communities of Chicago are in crisis, suffering from violence, political and social malaise, deteriorating physical and mental health, educational failure, and lack of individual or societal goals, Malcolm X College, led by President Ghingo W. Brooks, is looking back to recapture the wisdom of the past to move forward and solve the problems of the present.
Specifically, they are looking to ancient Egypt and the temples of Karnak that were home to the greatest thinkers of their time. They studied the issues of their day and observed society, critiquing and offering advice.
The Karnak Wellness Institute at Malcolm X College is bringing together the most respected thinkers and workers of our time and community to conduct public workshops, classes, and symposia on a wide spectrum of subjects. The first session of the Karnak Wellness Institute brings nine great minds to Malcolm X to teach, discuss, and provoke thought.
The first presenter is internationally respected psychiatrist, lecturer, and author Dr. Carl Bell, on Saturday, March 6, addressing the topic, Enhancing Mental Wellness to Prevent Stress and Trauma.
On March 13, outstanding reading diagnostician Dr. Edythe Young presents Read To Grow.
On March 20, holistic health expert Bertha Paul Buchanan addresses Holistic Health For Youth.
On April 10, Dr. Leonard Ingram discusses Managing Anger.
April 17 brings Hunter H. Adams to present Ma’at, The Science of Happiness.
Dr. Lois Collins discusses balancing diet, homeopathic medicines, and natural remedies on April 24 in her presentation, Natural Stress Relievers.
On May 1, Congressman Danny K. Davis addresses the citizen’s role in public policy development in his presentation, It’s Your Job, Too.
Roy Walker III, a clinical exercise physiologist, discusses Kinetic Healing on May 8.
On May 16, famed defense attorney Andre Grant closes out the first Karnak session with How To Work The Law.
All Karnak lectures and workshops are free and open to the public. For information on times and locations of the Karnak presentations, call 312/850-7035.
Holistic health proponent Bertha Paul Buchanan introduces her philosophy, which she will explore March 20 at the Karnak Wellness Institute at Malcolm X College. (Photo by Brad)
Dr. Leonard Ingram is an expert at anger management and conflict resolution. He addresses Karnak April 10. (Photo by Brad)
Malcolm X College President Ghingo W. Brooks welcomes the sages and public for the Karnak Wellness Institute ribbon-cutting. (Photo by Brad) 
Roy Walker III introduces his teachings on diet, exercise, and natural health. He will speak May 8 at a Karnak symposium. (Photo by Brad)
Reading expert Dr. Edythe Young declares, “Everyone can read and learn.” She addresses Karnak on March 13. (Photo by Brad)
Dr. Anderson Thompson is a renowned expert on classical African civilizations. He introduces the history and philosophy of Karnak in ancient Egyptian society. (Photo by Brad)
Hunter H. Adams presents the concept of the rule of order and natural balance known as the philosophy of Ma’at from ancient Africa. He addresses Karnak April 17. (Photo by Brad)
The sages speak at Karnak. Following the ribbon-cutting, the experts take the dais and answer questions. Participating are: (from left) Bertha Paul Buchanan, Roy Walker III, Dr. Edythe Young, President Ghingo W. Brooks & Dr. Leonard Ingram. (Photo by Brad)