Ivory Murphy takes a break from dancing to pose for a picture with her father.
Ebonie Thomas is escorted to the ballroom by her date.
Diamond Toler with her father at the ball.
Magnolia Frazier & her father clowning on the dance floor.
Nerlissa Trujillo dances with her dad.
Shania Young is escorted to the ball by her grandfather.
This lucky guy has two beautiful dates – Kenyatta & Kenisha Harmon.
Meyla Mitchell with her date.

Michaela Maura with her uncle.
Latarvia Stewart & her father glide across the floor.
Everyone takes the floor for the Electric Slide.
Destiny Fultz dances with her father.
Diavian Rich is escorted to the dance floor by her uncle.
Lexus Herman enjoys the ball with her brother and a bear.
Shaterra Blan was taken to the dance by her big brother.
Dymond & Monique Johnson with their father.
Diavian Rich & Michaela Maura show off their ball gowns.
Yanice Coleman with her father.
wow!most of th3m look cut3 mostly mah cuzo magnolia and uncl3 will