Students in every classroom at Francis Scott Key School participated in the fund-raising effort to support Haiti relief. Ms Anna Baskin-Tines coordinated the schoolwide crusade. (Photo by Iven Brown)

Francis Scott Key students opened their piggy banks and their hearts to help the people of Haiti after the devastating earthquake. They raised $876.60, mostly in coins, and donated it to the American Red Cross. (Photo by Iven Brown)
When students of Francis Scott Key Elementary School, 517 North Parkside Avenue, saw pictures on television of the people of Haiti suffering from the recent devastating earthquake, they swung into action. Learning that children and their families were homeless without food, clean water, or clothing, Key students went to their piggy banks and asked their friends to contribute to the rescue efforts.
In the four days of January 19-22, the students raised $876.60, $589.60 of it in coins. Anna Baskin-Tines, Lead Literacy Teacher, coordinated the fund-raising effort. Every class participated, kindergarten through 8th grade. A little friendly competition developed between grade levels to see who could raise the most money for Haiti.
Ms Janice Thompson’s 5th grade raised the most money, bringing in $301.00. Ms Stacy Wright’s 3rd grade class was second with $86.00. The money was given to the American Red Cross to help the people of Haiti. The students of Francis Scott Key School are part of the international crusade to save the Haitian earthquake victims.