Bluesman Larry Hill Taylor tells his story of growing up on Chicago’s West Side in his autobiography, Stepson of the Blues, and on a Black History Month tour of libraries across Chicagoland. |
With co-author Bonni McKeown, a blues singer and pianist in her own right, Taylor discussed the culture and heritage of the urban blues on Chicago’s rough West Side during the era of the Black Panthers and Dr. Martin Luther King’s residence in North Lawndale. Larry and Bonni sang with local young people in the library and told them of the links between the blues, R&B, gospel, and even Hip-Hop.
Taylor and McKeown are presenting their blues program and selling copies of Stepson of the Blues at libraries across the city and suburbs. Upcoming appearances are February 26 at Pullman Branch Library, February 27 at the Beverly Art Center, February 28 at the Wrightwood-Ashburn Library, March 1 at the Back of the Yards Library, and March 8 at Bellwood Library.
For information on the Larry Taylor Blues Tour and to purchase copies of his book, Stepson of the Blues, Peaceful Patriot Press, $20.00, call 773/209-4712.
Blues musicians Larry Taylor & Bonni McKeown at Legler Library promoting Taylor’s autobiography, Stepson of the Blues, and teaching local youngsters to sing the blues. (Photo by Brad) |