
Thursday, February 23, 2017


Congressman Danny K. Davis is flanked by clergy and civic leaders participating in the planning meeting to organize a Conference on the State of the African American Male in Chicago. (Photo by Isaac Jones)
 By Isaac Jones
    Congressman Danny K. Davis called a planning and strategy meeting for a major conference on the State of the African American Male in Chicago. It was held at New Landmark M.B. Church, 2700 West Wilcox in North Lawndale.
    Statistics presented by the Congressman on the plight of Black men are dismal and clearly define the severity of the crisis:
•    White males in Chicago are 30% more likely to obtain a college degree than Black men.
•    Black males are 5% more likely to drop out of high school than White males.
•    52% of Black males are not in the Chicago labor force.
•    The Black male unemployment rate is 14% higher than the White unemployment rate in Chicago.
•    African American men living below the poverty line is double that of White men in Chicago.
•    20% of Black males in Chicago do not have a high school diploma.
•    In Chicago,
    the African
    American male
    unemployment rate is 21% - more than triple the national average.
•    In 2016, Zip Code 60644 in Austin had the largest number of prisoners released by the Illinois Dept. of Corrections – more than 90% of those were African American males.
•    In 2016, African American males comprised 57% of all persons released by the Illinois Dept. of Corrections.
    Congressman Davis points out that African American males are under-represented in colleges, universities, and the labor force, while being over-represented in the criminal justice system. They are more often both the perpetrators and the victims of violence.
    Davis declared the goals of the State of the African American Male in Chicago Conference are to facilitate dialogue between individuals and organizations addressing the issues affecting African American males to encourage networks improving conditions of these men and boys, and to promote legislation improving the quality of life for African American males. This includes healthcare, education, criminal justice, employment, and civic responsibility.
    Persons interested in becoming part of this planning process are asked to call 773/533-7520.
Congressman Danny K. Davis guides the participants through the grim statistics in planning a major Conference on the State of the African American Male in Chicago to draw up a blueprint for solving the problems. (Photo by Isaac Jones)

1 comment:

  1. Inter-related problem that with lack of financial and trade education there are fewer reasons to hire the least knowledgeable which creates more poverty, higher criminal activity less consumer spending for a diminishing economy in Chicago. Improving education lifts the City.
