
Friday, March 9, 2012


Mayor Rahm Emanuel drops in at the Mabel Manning Branch Library, 6 S. Hoyne, and talks with students using the facility, emphasizing that Chicago Public Libraries are again open on Mondays, 2:00 to 6:00 PM. (Photo by Brooke Collins, City of Chicago)

A massive crowd of Chicago parents flocked to the New School EXPO on Saturday to learn more about charter schools and submit applications.

In a show of demand for charter schools, hundreds of parents were in line before the New Schools EXPO opened to speak with school representatives and submit applications.
    Mayor Rahm Emanuel visited the Mabel Manning Branch Library, 6 South Hoyne Avenue, on Monday, February6, emphasizing that Chicago Public Libraries have new Monday hours – 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM – during the school year. Branch libraries are scheduled to be open a full eight hours on Mondays when CPS is not in session.
    “Libraries play an important role in keeping our children safe and helping our children learn, and at the same time provide residents with access to a variety of information and services,” said Mayor Emanuel. “I was happy to see so many children and adults at Mabel Manning this afternoon, taking advantage of the services and resources the library offers.”

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