
Friday, December 30, 2011

As the Alderman of the 37th Ward, I - - Emma Mitts Extend the Warmest of Wishes To All and A HAPPY, HEALTHY & JOYOUS NEW YEAR!

The Loyal, Dedicated, Active and Concerned Community Residents,  to our  Diverse Small, Mid-Sized and Major Corporate Partners, Businesses and Companies in Our Great Community, to our Strong Clergy and to the Entire Religious Community who help keep us Faithful, Thankful, Humble and on the Right Life Path; To the Committed Community Leaders, Schools and  our Excellent Educators, Coaches, Counselors who Teach, Inspire and Mentor those in search of Higher Learning, to our Wonderful Hospitals and Health Care Facilities, and to each and every one of the Medical, Technical and Nursing staffs, Administrators and all the Strong Hospital Support Personnel who keep our facilities caring for the sick, injured and the aged among us; to the Youth who will Soar to the Heights with Unlimited Possibilities for Future Success, to the Working Individuals and Families who make up the 37th Ward,  to the Homeowners, Renters, Developers, Realtors and Landlords and the Seniors who have Given so Wisely and to Whom we all Owe a Much-Deserved Debt of Gratitude, to Our Local Newspaper (THE VOICE) and Media which keep us Informed, Aware and Up-to Date with the Latest Community News, Happenings and Issues, to All of the West Side Elected Officials who serve us so Well in the City, County, Statewide and in the United States Congress, and last but not least, to my wonderful, hard-working, knowledgeable and committed staff and organization…

I wish for each of you in the New Year, the very best!

Love & Peace and Prosperity
Healthy and Happy Families
Strong Safe Neighborhoods & Business Districts

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Happy Kwanzaa
Happy Hanukkah
Feliz Navidad

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