
Friday, April 1, 2011


Cliff Kelley talks with Darlena Williams-Burnett, Ald. Walter Burnett, Jr., and City treasurer Stephanie Neely. (Photo by Brad)

Don Reed, Executive Director of the Martin Luther King Boys & Girls Club, 2958 West Washington Boulevard, said the recent telethon staged by WVON Radio raised approximately $60,000 in contributions to keep the club’s doors open. The station broadcast all of its shows from the club on Friday, March 11, throughout the day, with hosts asking listeners to donate money to the West Side youth organization suffering severe money problems due to the recession, government deficits, and reductions in charitable giving. Reed says ticket sales are strong for the March 25 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Dinner: Transforming Dreams Across Generations.  He says the club expects to raise another $70,000 from the banquet. Although elected officials and celebrities generously donated to the club, Reed says the majority of contributions averaged $25 and came from local residents. Leading the way in donating to the club The Martin Luther King Boys & Girls Club employs a total of eleven people, including five program staff. Although the club expects to raise over $130,000 from the telethon and banquet, Reed notes that it ran at a deficit last year and needs to clear up that loss before meeting budget projections for this year. For tickets to the March 25 Legacy Dinner or to make donations to the Martin Luther King Boys and Girls Club, call Don Reed at 773/638-5464.

Martin Luther King Boys & Girls Club Director Don Reed welcomes his predecessor, Forrest T. Harris, to the WVON Radio telethon. (Photo by Walter Tidwell)

Cliff Kelley speaks with former 27th Ward Alderman Wallace Davis & 2nd Ward Alderman Robert Fioretti about the need for the Martin Luther King Boys & Girls Club providing safe, structured & supervised activities for West Side youth. (Photo by Brad).

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