
Friday, November 5, 2010


 Chicago Dept. of Community Development Deputy Commissioner Ellen Sahli announces at a LaFollette Park press conference in Austin that, because of the summer floods and the recession, the City is opening the EHAP application process Oct. 27 for low-income households to obtain furnace repairs & replacement. For eligibility requirements and to file applications, call 3-1-1. (Photo by Brad)
Ald. Emma Mitts praises the City for opening the EHAP application process early for households needing repair or replacement of furnace units. (Photo by Brad)

With cold weather fast approaching and an expected increased demand after the summer floods, the Chicago Department of Community Development announced in Austin that it is opening the furnace application process early for the Emergency Housing Assistance Program, EHAP.
    EHAP provides grants to repair or replace heating systems when repair costs exceed replacement costs. Owners of 1-4 unit buildings in Chicago must live in the property and have no other means to pay for repairs. Household income cannot exceed 50% of area median income, which means that maximum yearly income for a family of four is $37,550.
    In addition to the flood damage, Deputy Commissioner Ellen Sahli said, “Due to the lingering effects of the recession, we understand that low-income families are struggling to make ends meet. By opening the program early, we are giving low-income families an early start on planning for home heating this winter.” Sahli urges qualified homeowners to apply for assistance as early as possible.
    Alderman Emma Mitts praised the City’s action and also urged homeowners to test their heating systems if they experienced flooding that affected their furnaces. She reminds residents that the FEMA Flood Disaster Assistance Center at 4905 West North Avenue remains open to take claims until November 17. Damage to furnaces can be included in applications for FEMA assistance.
    EHAP applications are accepted by the City from October 27 to March 31, or until funds are exhausted. In 2009, the program assisted over 258 units with furnaces and boilers.
    To file an application for furnace repair or replacement, call 3-1-1.

1 comment:

  1. This article helps me in terms of maintenance. Thanks for enlightened the issues a furnace might face. Heating and Cooling London
