
Friday, May 21, 2010


Austin Bank of Chicago is currently accepting applications from high school seniors living in the Austin community and planning to attend college or an accredited vocational training program in the fall. Sam Scott, Chairman & CEO, announced, “ABC Bank will be awarding six $1,200 college scholarships to local high school students that are college or technical school bound. This is a continuation of a 20-year scholarship program sponsored by ABC Bank.” More than $100,000 in scholarship awards have been distributed since the program’s inception.
    High school students in their senior year are eligible to submit applications if they reside west of Pulaski Road, east of Austin Boulevard, north of the Eisenhower Expressway, and south of North Avenue. Applicants must be graduating in May/June of 2010 and be accepted to a 2- or 4-year accredited university, college, or technical program.
    One of the requirements upon which applicants will be judged is writing an essay entitled: “Why I should be awarded an ABC Bank Scholarship.” Local religious, political, and business leaders will judge the applications.
    ABC Bank is again partnering with Loretto Hospital, with sponsorship by Renaissance Hospital Management, Inc. Loretto is offering $1,000 scholarships to four students. This is the fifth year that Loretto Hospital/RHM and ABC Bank have teamed in presenting scholarships. Together, they are making ten awards of a combined amount of $11,200.
    Students interested in applying for scholarships should contact Angela Preston at ABC Bank, 5645 West Lake Street, at 773/854-2900, ext. 125. For information regarding the Loretto Hospital/RHM Scholarship Program (open to students of high schools in Austin), contact Camille Lilly, Vice President of External Affairs, at 773/854-5063.
    Deadline for submitting applications for scholarships is Friday, May 28, 2010. Recipients will be notified by ABC Bank in early June. Scholarship winners will be honored at a public reception at ABC Bank’s main facility on June 16.

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