
Friday, April 23, 2010


“I Wouldn’t Be Garrett Wolfe If It Wasn’t For LaFollette Park!”

With his parents and other family members present and the auditorium filled with a new generation of young athletes, Chicago Bears Running Back Garrett Wolfe returned to LaFollette Park where his football career began. The ceremony was arranged by Coach James to honor the successful professional athlete by retiring his jersey and inspire the current crop of football players on LaFollette Park teams.
    Coach James never had the chance to work with Wolfe at LaFollette Park, so he invited back the coach who did, and he reminisced about what it was like to coach the future college star and professional player.
    “Garrett was a strong willed kid who always wanted to have his way. So, when I wanted him to do something he didn’t like, I had to trick him into it by telling him he could be in charge and could do anything he wanted. This is how I got him to play quarterback.”
    After a current LaFollette Park star athlete read off the highlights of Garrett Wolfe’s high school, college, and pro careers, the guest of honor took the microphone.
    “Of course I had to come back,” Wolfe said, fighting back tears. “My mom and dad are here with my aunt. And, my best friend is here. This is where it all started. I wouldn’t be Garrett Wolfe if it wasn’t for LaFollette Park. Of all the honors and successes I have had, this means the most to me because this is home. I am so very grateful that you all would do this for me and honor me like this. Thank you so much. I will never forget you.”
    Coach James and other LaFollette Park coaches took the stage and presented Wolfe with an official LaFollette Park team jacket. A framed #25 jersey stood on an easel in the middle of the stage.
    Following the ceremony, Wolfe mingled with the park coaches and met the children who gathered to welcome him back and dream of following in his footsteps.

“Of all the honors and successes I’ve had, this means the most to me because this is home. I am so very grateful that you all would do this for me and honor me like this. I will never forget you.” (Photo by Brad)
Number 25 is retired forever at LaFollette Park in honor of favorite son Chicago Bears Running Back Garrett Wolfe. (Photo by Brad)

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