
Friday, February 26, 2010


Clean From the Inside Out
By Sel Dunlap

To citizens of the 29th Ward:
    I’m a former resident of Austin who directed housing programs in the 1970s. My concern then, as it is now, is why must we tolerate filth, trash and debris as we do? With your help, the next Alderman for the 29th Ward can do something about it and these are a few questions you might want to consider asking the candidates if given the opportunity.
 1.    If you can’t do anything about improving the schools and the academic performance of our children, can you at least clean up the 29th Ward and keep it clean?
 2.    If you can’t do anything about attracting developers to come and build something, can you at least clean up the 29th Ward and keep it clean?
 3.    If you can’t do anything about the crime and the amount of fear our residents experience going to the store, to church, and to visit friends, will you clean up the community and sustain it?
 4.    If you can’t do anything about job development, can you at least promise us that you will clean up the community and maintain it?
 5.    If you can’t do anything about improving the recreation in the community, can you at least clean up the parks and keep them clean?
 6.    If you can’t identify capital for local businesses to borrow, will you keep the 29th Ward clean?
 7.    If you can’t lure any businesses to the 29th Ward, will you commit to cleaning up the Ward and keeping it clean?
 8.    If you can’t do anything else for the 29th Ward, will you create a job program to hire residents from the 29th Ward to clean up the community and keep it clean?
 9.    If you can’t get our boys off the street corners, will you vigorously and with deliberate drive free this community from the grip of filth and trash and debris?
 10.    If you can’t do anything about the violence and carnage in the 29th Ward, will you guarantee us that you will clean up our community and keep it that way?
 11.    If you can’t get a single house rehabilitated, will you clean up and pick up everything that doesn’t grow and doesn’t contribute to the overall good, and will you assure us that the Ward will be cleaned and kept clean?
 12.    If you can’t create a climate of better harmony and neighborly concern, will you nevertheless keep our Ward clean, as it has never been?
 13.    If you are not able to coordinate and stimulate whatever and whomever in conjunction with improving the school system and get more funds for after-school activities, will you, at the absolute least, keep the vacant lots cut and clean, clean up our alleys, curbs and gutters, and keep our parkways litter-free?
 14.    Do you promise to do your ever-loving best to keep the 29th Ward as clean as the Ward Mayor Daley lives in?
 15.    Will you do your un-questionable best to clean up the 29th Ward the way it used to be when it was 95% white?
 16.    If elected, will you join the WAR ON FILTH & FEAR CAMPAIGN?

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